Anyone out there have an iPhone and interested in beta testing a little app

Anyone out there have an iPhone and interested in beta testing a little app for me? If you’re reading this group I promise it will be Relevant To Your Interests :slight_smile:

Please email me your Apple ID so I can set you up as a tester on iTunes Connect: ratkins at

I’m keen. Does it have to be an iPhone, or will any modern iOS device do?

It’s an iPhone-specific app; it’ll run on an iPad in “doubled” mode, but it won’t look good.

What about on an iOS 8-enabled iPod? I have one of those.

That’ll work fine (I didn’t realise any iPod touch could run iOS 8!)

They’re just iPhones without a gsm module.

My kids bought it for me… I use it as my kitchen and CNC camera :slight_smile:

What’s the app for? Controlling LEDs? :grin:

Not controlling, waiting on RFduino support for that one ;-).

To all who have replied with their Apple IDs, thank you! You’re all on the list and I’ve submitted v0.1 to the store to be approved for external testers (which could take a week.) When that happens you’ll get an email from Test Flight with instructions on how you do the install.

LEDstimator 0.1 has now been approved for beta testing, so if you’re on the list you will have received an email from TestFlight containing instructions on how to download and install it. If you have any problems, you’ve got any feedback, or you missed this earlier and want to join the beta please mail me at the address above!