Anyone have trouble porting sketches to DigiSpark ATTiny85? The program compiles:

Anyone have trouble porting sketches to DigiSpark ATTiny85?
The program compiles:
Sketch uses 5772 bytes (96%) of program storage space. Maximum is 6012 bytes.
Global variables use 485 bytes of dynamic memory
But does not run, the LED on P0 - the Data-Pin for the WS2812 LEDs - does not blink.
I’m not using yield() nor millis().

Which sketch is that, “DemoReel100”? I think that uses too much RAM for an ATtiny85 (it only has 512 bytes, the sketch you reference uses 485 bytes of global RAM, leaving none for calling functions)
Try loading one of the smaller FastLED example sketches like “FirstLight” or “Blink”.

This cpu is super small. Not sure it has enough resources. You probably have to run the adafruit driver and only fit a few pixels

Get yourself an esp8266, cheaper and much more powerful

Thanks everyone!

I’ve had lots of success with the ATTiny85 but always with the Adafruit library. And of course not too many LEDs…

@Jeff_Mizener yes the adafruit library is much smaller (as it does a lot less). But you’re still limited in number of pixels when for the same price or cheaper an ESP8266 will make this a non issue :slight_smile:

thanks, everyone! I learned that the program storage was not the issue. The global variables need to be <450 - even though there are 512 available. I reduced the number of patterns to get under 450 and now it works fine.