Anyone have any topic suggestions for this video series I'm working on?

Anyone have any topic suggestions for this video series I’m working on? What problems/difficulties did you have when you were first getting into 3D printing? I’m looking for basic concept topics right now.

Originally shared by Andrew Bougie

I just finished two videos for work. They are part of a series of videos I’m calling 3D printing/scanning 101 that will give a basic overview of the processes involved in the 3D printing and scanning industries. Here is the first!

My nemesis, the Bowden tube. I’ve had to pull it out several times and I have damaged it each time.

What’s it made of, where do you buy replacements, is there an easy way to remove it gently so it can last longer? How long do you want it?

Overviews of the most popular printers with clear pros and cons is what most people are looking for. Don’t forget the Delta’s and leave out Makerbot!

You know, 3D printing & modeling aren’t for the squeamish or half-hearted, nor should it be a race for the bottom, least expenditure. It costs money and time to get good results. Of course, those are relative terms too. My experience was balls to the wall - then wait for each of the kickstarters to catchup with reality. But, I did learn how to create simple parts with simple tools and started to learn more powerful tools but then decided to wait until I could print results before I continued creating more parts.

So perhaps an episode on setting expectations. Where will the continuous flow of models come from, other peoples works and ideas or ones own? If designing ones own models and parts, why and how? Do you enjoy troubleshooting or just printing? Can you spend the money and time to get proficient? Will you share with the community or keep results, methods, tips and tricks? This might make a difference with how well the community helps you out and responds to your needs.

This may not be the hobby for a minimalist. You should be able to spend the money and the time to get the results you are looking for.

@Rojer_Wisner , you make some great points. This can be an expensive hobby/business whether you are shelling out thousands of your own cash or corporately purchasing a machine that costs as much as several new cars.

I see many people get into this as a hobby and they are disappointed by the results they get because they went with the cheapest machine or kit. Or they built a great DIY machine and get burnt out on the experimentation needed to get good results.

Like anything you get into, you have to have the correct expectations. I think many people want the Star Trek type replicator machines. They want to press a button and their object just appears. Unfortunately, that is how many of these machines are marketed and this results in disappointment.

Thanks for the ideas guys!