Anyone ever used an attiny85 to control a bunch of APA102s or WS28XXs?

Anyone ever used an attiny85 to control a bunch of APA102s or WS28XXs? Like more than a hundred with a pattern such as demoreel100

@Kyle_Halvorson ​ i tried before and realized that WS2812B LEDs eat up all of your available RAM

Oh gotcha, thanks!

When you compile the code you should see how much dynamic memory is being consumed just be aware that the Attiny85 only has 512 bytes available

Oh wow. Ok. I just saw that it is much cheaper than any other off the shelf arduino so I thought maybe it could be used for really basic programs for FastLED.

I’ve done a bunch of stuff with attiny85’s. I seem to recall that getting to about 100 works if your code it tight.

My hat and tie are both running off of Attiny85 boards. They can do just about every pattern you can think of. Just cant run many LEDs off of them. Learned that one the hard way lol
missing/deleted image from Google+

Ok cool, I’ll look into it further.

Get yourself a Wemos D1 mini for $4 and never look back. Plenty of power and RAM for just about anything you throw at it.

@Brian_Lewis ​ the candy came im holding actually has a Wemos D1 mini pro. There is enough RAM there for a whole lot of LEDs lol