Anyone else having issues with extremely long processing times for mill operations?

Anyone else having issues with extremely long processing times for mill operations? I have a 440mm circular file with text that takes hours to process gcode. Is that normal? I know that there are lots of lines and math being calculated, but just wondering if it’s on my end alone specific to my file.

It varies with file and operation type. Also, the SVG parser in older versions sometimes converts curves into an excessive number of line segments which slows down the CAM.

Thanks Todd,

I’m using the latest version. What’s odd, is that I’ll select multiple
paths and it will take over an hour and generally fail to create the CAM.
However, when I break down a file, with say 5 paths to calculate, into
groups of 2-3, the gcode calculates in less than 5 minutes. That’s why I’m
wondering if it’s a memory issue. I’m also using round edging through
illustrator, rather than miter. Not sure if that makes a difference due to
arc calculations. I can send you the file I’m working on, if you’re
interested in taking a look on your end.



Very odd results; please post the file.

So I think I found the issue. In Illustrator my default svg setting was set to “3” (see below). When I changed this to “2” the processing went significantly faster and the status bar actually showed progress past 50%. I’m thinking that I may actually be able to use “1” decimal place to make it even quicker. Does anyone have any suggestions with saving SVGs?


CSS Properties should be Style Attributes

So after more testing where I’ve changed the decimal places from 3 to 2 to 1 on illustrator, and CSS properties to Style Attributes, I’m still having issues with LW not calculating gcode paths for specific parts of the svg file during mill pocket operations. Layers are correct in the svg, but for some reason the text will not process gcode paths when selected as a group. Individual characters work and some words, but if I select all text for one operation the processing time is very long and the output is blank.

Todd, I sent you the file. Let me know if you didn’t receive it.

@Rob_Meyersohn I didn’t receive it.