Any chance of x,y,z coordinates being given when doing a simulated run on a gcode file? It would help me debug problems with gcode before getting it to the CNC mill.
How about a simulated wood cut? I imagine that would be significantly harder to implement though. It would probably need to ask about bit shape and size to get an accurate simulation.
I use OpenSCAM ( for testing my gcode. It allows you to set your tool sizes and material size (although I’ve found some aspects of the UI are a bit clunky), but hey - it’s free.
@dhylands Thanks for the link. I checked it out. I noticed two things that I do not like. One is that it uses libboost which I have had bad experiences with. Another is that it says Windows/Debian/Ubuntu/Mac and that I am too lazy to compile or crossplatform install it to my Fedora laptop. Regardless, I will bookmark the link to see if it will be worth checking later.
Meanwhile, having the features in chilipeppr would really help the project.
You could do this very easily. All you’d have to do is fork the 3D viewer widget. Then where the animation code is, just have it fire off a pubsub based on the docs in the Axes widget. Not sure if you’ve ever looked at the pubsub dialogs attached to each widget in the upper right corner triangle menu. Those explain what pubsub each widget publishes or subscribes to. There are sample macros as well for showing how pubsub is sent and received. So you would do something like: