Anti-aliasing example This example shows two bars of light moving at the same speed

Hi Mark, thanx for your reply!! :smiley:

i searched the FastLED-wiki, but i still miss a real reference page where a brief overview of all instructions/functions are on just one page. I also looked at this:

it has certain pages that looks like a reference and it helped me a little, but it would be nice to have a easy accessible reference page to serach for a certain function.
I also looked at the color palette example (where i copied a part and modified it a little to fit on my 24pixel ring.

but it would have saved me days if there had been a palette definition like this in it:

0, 0, 0, 0, //black
128, 255, 0, 0, //red
224, 255,255, 0, //bright yellow
255, 255,255,255 }; //full white

at least i found it…

Anyway, i don´t complain, as if i need to write a fraction of this envoirement myself it would take me forever. So i´m glad i found FastLED.
