After talking with a bunch of you on here I ended up buying the

After talking with a bunch of you on here I ended up buying the Azteeg X5 for my new printer. I’m not sure which steppers motors to get to take full advantage of the 1/32 steps it can handle. I was looking at the nema 17 42BYGHM809 but cant see anything about 1/32 steps.

The M809’s work just fine with the 8825 driver chips on the x5. I’ve run this combination (DRV8825/M809) for a while with zero issues. The 8825’s are great chips.

@Custom_Creations I’m going to try and go for 0.9 deg motors as well thats why i was looking at the M809’s but I guess I dont understand what the 1/32 steps means in a motor

Sparkfun has them.

1/32 applies to the microstepping rate of the driver. The 0.9 motors have 400 detents. This is full-step. But the DRV8825’s can microstep down to 1/32, which means that at 1/32 those M809’s will have a resolution of 12800 steps per revolution instead of 400 steps/revolution.

oooo ok that makes since thanks @Matt_Miller

micro stepping is totally independent of the stepper motors, it is a way to control the current that gets fed to each coil allowing for intermediate positioning of the shaft between two full steps. I think you will like the Azteeg X5 :slight_smile: if you need help jump on IRC in the #smoothieware channel

@Wolfmanjm I hope I do I know it will be a jump from my Sanguinololu 1.3a. I dont plan to use it for a little while since im still working on buying parts for the new build. Was suprised how small it was though and very excited to not have the trimpot for the current. I only killed one driver when the screw driver slipped off

Sanguinololu 1.3a - I just heard Edith Bunker singing in my head! “…those were the days…” :smiley:

hahaha ya so my last kit was a little out of date :slight_smile: sad thing is I bought it last year in January when I didnt know very much and thought I was doing pretty good.

Hey - as long as it works that’s all that matters!

Well that’s the one I bought. Most Nema 17 have a step angle of 1.8° = 200 steps per rev. This one has a 0.9° step which gives 400 steps per rev and should give you much finer control. Also if you combine it with a set of G2 pulleys and timing belt, not G2.5, gives even better precision.
Enjoy and good luck

Probably won’t want to use the 1/32 stepping with .9 steppers. Micro stepping is good for noise reduction but has it’d inaccuracies due to not being able to efficiently hold between steps. The .9 steppers will help this and add 1/16 with them it’s the same as 1/32stepping but more accurate. Without limiting speeds much. The biggest problem with that is for every mm the machine moves you have to send step commands for hardware you have times 32. Increasing the code processed by the Arduino and probably slowing it’s processing

@D_Rob Idk Ill have to play around with it. The board is 32-bit so idk if it will have problems or not

X5 and smoothie can more than easily handle 0.9 steppers at 1/32 microsteps. I think the default max step rate is 100K steps/sec, and can probably go higher