After a long break, I've finally begun working with the ESP32.

I have also copied my version of esp32fs.jar
hoping the will help

Thanks, I tried another ESP32 and it’s looking better. Not working yet but at least I’m managing to load index.htm :slight_smile:

Sorry, I haven’t gotten that working yet:

@Jason_Coon it’s working for me :wink:

I’ve got the index showing but not loading the CSS and it Java…
Had to wipe the flash memory to get it working :wink:

I’m just building a hat for tonight, might have to put an ESP 8266 in it for now :frowning:

Yeah @Jeremy_Spencer , sorry I didn’t make the “it is still very much a work in progress” disclaimer more strongly worded. It’s not ready for prime time yet. :slight_smile: This was more a plea for help after banging my head for a few hours trying to get serving from SPIFFs working.

@Yves_BAZIN , trying your esp32fs.jar and libspiffs.a now, thanks!

Like I said, I’d already started on your audio web server. Converted it to use FFT, now to sort out the WiFi :wink:

@Jason_Coon I have recompiled it directly from the sources available on GitHub

Thanks @Yves_BAZIN , that worked! It still won’t serve all files with one serveStatic call like the ESP8266 did:

webServer.serveStatic("/", SPIFFS, “/”, “max-age=86400”);

But I was able to work around that easily enough, by just manually calling serveStatic for each file:

I made a note in the readme and updated the issue. Now I can move on to the next items in the todo list:

@Jason_Coon cool happy to be of some help. I will have a look at your implementation soon

Thanks @Jason_Coon , that’s working for me too :slight_smile:

Now to add the audio.

The hat worked quite nicely, used an accelerometer rather than audio and 222 SK9822s

More progress:

@Jason_Coon , you are fantastic :slight_smile: Thank you.

The ESP32 webserver seems so much moe responsive and snappier to use than the ESP8266.

I’ve left it running one of @Jason_Coon 's audio patterns all day. I’ve used FFT rather than an MSGEQ7, and it’s still working perfectly after about 13 hours.

@Jeremy_Spencer could you share the code for fft ? Thank you :wink:

@Yves_BAZIN , of course, i’ll just improve it a little more then share it.

@Darren_Hedlund thanks, should be fixed in the latest esp32-fastled-webserver code. I didn’t even think about that the same code would work on both, duh. Excellent!

Just pushed more changes:

  • Finished porting parameters
  • Added twinkle speed & density fields
  • Added palette cycle & duration fields
  • Reorganized fields
  • Combined RGB and gradient palettes
  • Added fire & water patterns
  • Added pride & colorwaves patterns

Next up: saving settings to EEPROM

Would be nice to have an App Inventor app for esp32 with BLE. A number of folks have done this now but we are replicating work and not generalizing it for others.

Being tethered to WiFi is a pain. With BLE you could easily take your projects anywhere and just use your smart phone to alter the patterns it plays. The kids are all using App Inventor and Arduino but the esp32 has the BLE built in so it’s a natural for STEM programs. Sometimes setting up WiFi for this at schools requires IT help but BLE just works.

A starter app would allow them to play with FastLED with no hassles and the Arduino code can be put in the App inventor assets of the .aia file making it easy for kids to pair them.