A resin based 3D "printing" pen

A resin based 3D “printing” pen.
How is resin safe for children exactly? That stuff is toxic. I wish they didn’t speed up and heavily edit the video (like everyone else is doing). I still have not seen an unedited video of someone making an object with one of these pens.

I also like how their “conductive ink” mockup shot has only one “wire” connecting to the battery.

Not all resins are created equal. There are quite a few non-toxic resins. I don’t know what kind they’re using here though, but maybe you should just teach your kids not to put things in their mouth that doesn’t belong huh?

Is the UV light save? My dentist uses protection when it uses the UV curing lamp.
I am also curious about the magnetic resin. I doubt it will work. Or you have to magnetize it after forming.

@erik_vdzalm if you ever go outside during daylight hours, you’re bathed in UVA and UVB.

Resin is cured with UVB, which is the more dangerous of the two, but it’s at levels approx equal to sunlight. Basically: don’t shine it in your eyes, and don’t set it on your skin for extended periods of time and you’ll be just fine. Periodic short exposure is no worse than the same amount of time in the sun.

@Daniel_ShadowDrakken I don’t if you’ve worked with resin, but resin prints come out all yucky and with a lot of uncured resin on them. They must be handled with gloves until you clean them and cure the print in a light box (or sun). So I’m not worried about kids putting the pen in their mouths, I’m worried that they will touch the print and get resin on their fingers.

@Shachar_Weis so start safety training early, and make sure your kids are old enough, and mature enough to use things like this. It’s just like handing them rubber cement or super glue as a step up from PVA glue :slight_smile:

That is to say, every child is different. Some can handle the responsibilities, some can’t. It’s up to parents to teach and make those judgement calls, not the company producing the product.

My own experience: I was handed a soldering iron at around age 6. I’ve never burned myself, never damaged anything, and I had a great time :slight_smile:

@Daniel_ShadowDrakken you are missing the point. I’m not against giving soldering irons to kids. I am against label soldering irons as ‘children safe’. There is no word on that article about the toxicity of resin and the safety measures that are needed.

My own experience: I also started soldering at a young age, and inhaled so much lead fumes that I cringe when I think about it. Because no one bothered to instruct us how to deal with solder fumes.

Yeah, that’s fair to say.

From CreoPop.com

“Our innovative photopolymer technology means that neither the pen nor the ink gets hot. Other 3D pens might cause serious injury to skin or eyes as they rely on melting plastic. In addition, our CreoPop ink does not contain any toxic material and do not emit any unpleasant or dangerous odors. The UV light built into the pen is harmless and similar in strength to regular sunlight.”

Soldering does not produce lead fumes. The lead never becomes airborne during the normal soldering process. You may have been inhaling the fumes produced from the flux or resin in the solder, and while those aren’t good for you, they are not toxic in the same way lead is.

That being said, unless they release the msds for the resins, I wouldn’t trust their claim that they are non toxic, and I’m particularly curious about the safety of the body paint resin, given that all the ink handling shown in the video has people wearing gloves.

Still, this is an interesting pen and I can see the utility of it. Would be nice if it were significantly smaller and had a better balance.

@Adam_Davis again, not all resins are created equal. Just as an example, look up Eco-Resin, completely non-toxic. And there’s others as well.