1500 pixel vest I made this weekend,

@chad_steinglass Also if those PCB’s don’t work, let me know and I will ship you a working one I made from my old set of pcbs I made for the ESP8266

@chad_steinglass How long are you able to keep the vest lit with that 2.4A battery?

+1 to the question above? I’m really curious how long it stays lit for with a single 2.4A battery. 1500 LEDs with 60mA each is… 90A! Are you setting the brightness down to around 2% (FastLED.setBrightness(5)) to power it…

Unless my math or understanding is off :stuck_out_tongue:

@Stephen_Co my shirt has about 200 neopixels, I typically use 0.2A at 5V, or 1W. I use a 5AH 3S lipo, that’s about 60WH, so without losses I would get about 60 hours.
That’s with a light pattern running on them, not a full brightness. If I turn everything on on full white, it uses about 5A instead of 0.2A, in that case, just over 2H of runtime.
My point is that typically you’ll get 10 to 30 times the runtime of your LEDs at full power.
Similarly, my 1024 32x32 panel uses 40A at full power, but I typically only need 1.5A to power it

@Steve_Scholl @Stephen_Co - So the 2.4A I was referring to was just the max current output of the battery rather than its capacity (which is in mAh). But, to answer your question:

I wore the vest out to a party sat night. I brought a pretty big brick - 20k mAh. One of the big phone charging batteries with 3 USB outputs. I turned it on a little after midnight, and when the party finally wound down just before 6, I still had 60% power in the battery…

So I’d say I’d prob get 10-12 hours out of it.

But honestly it TOTALLY depends on the pattern you are running and the brightness. @Marc_MERLIN 's math above seems like a pretty good rule of thumb. This party was indoors, so I was runnign at a lower brightness than I probably would on playa or if I had the lights covered and diffused. Also, I mostly had it on a setting with a color palette that had black stripes between the colors, meaning prob 30% of my pixels were black art anytime also.

The 2.4A really was just an upper limit - it meant I couldn’t turn the brightness up more than about 1/2 way before the battery cut out.

@chad_steinglass Do you have a build log by the way? Would love to see some more pics of the layout/vest!

@Tommy_Sciano Hey Tommy - wiring up some of the your MSGEQ7 boards now. Its a little hard for me to tell where the traces are so that I know which pins are hooked up to strobe, reset, and output.

Do you have a wiring/program guide where you have the pins defined?


@Tommy_Sciano Here’s what it looks like to me:

Reset = D5
Strobe = D4
Out = A0

Mic Gain = blank on side

Data = D7, I imagine for a single WS2812 output

Do you use the mic gain? Does that look right?

looks like the Aout from the mic runs through the two big caps before going to Ain on the MSGEQ

@chad_steinglass https://drive.google.com/file/d/19mEiO3KN_vezlmIy-ESeXeRUYg_qofro/view?usp=sharing

Heres my fritzing file for the board

Did it not do the silkscreen correctly?

Also the caps are 100uf


theres for the wemos board

and heres the fritzing file for it


@Tommy_Sciano Thanks - I think thats what I had. Yeah, just hard to see the traces on the purple board.

Any chance you have some test code I could use to make sure I have everything soldered up correctly and a working MSGEQ7 chip before I take a crack at writing my own?

@Tommy_Sciano Got it working running just a quick VMU on an 8x8 grid and I love it!

Definitely going to work on incorporating it into some wearables

Only issue is that the whole set up isn’t exactly compact… but its not bad :slight_smile:

@chad_steinglass sure I forgot my github pass momentarily


but that should be the arduino stuff for some of @Jason_Coon 's stuff I edited. Look in the Noise, Audio, And effects folders for patterns to use with the MSGEQ7 I added a few and edited some to work with audio, the main file is the esp8266-fastled-audioD1.ino

@Tommy_Sciano Thanks buddy - excited to start adding music reactivity to some of my stuff! This and starting to get into the shape and vector drawing in the LEDMatrix library that @Mark_Estes shed some light on will definitely help me up my 2d animation game

@Tommy_Sciano Quick question - the boards are set up to power the MSGEQ7 chip and the mic from 5v… should they instead be run off 3.3v? I haven’t really tested, but I assume that the analog output of the EQ would be scaled from 0 to Vcc, and if that goes all the way to 5, does that make the signal “clip” when it goes over 3.3? (meaning, can the analog input on the 8266 only recognize up to 3.3v, and over that its just pegged at the top of its range)


What an awesome concept come to light! :slight_smile: I just posted a video of my top hat which uses sprites to create images. Its super easy to use and super flexible. Here’s the video and here’s the github to the sprites library. Good luck, love to see more of this!

@chad_steinglass Sorry I have been busy with school this week, I forgot about your post. I remember trying to run it off 3.3v and it was a little noisy compared to 5v. But this was from a long time ago, I was using 5v from an arduino uno to test that actually, but as of right now I think that 5v made the signal cleaner vs 3.3v. Also they can run on 5v or 3.3v to my knowledge